That’s it, Inktober 2018 is in the can! Today I finished the last of 31 days of pen and ink drawings for Inktober 2018.

As I mentioned in my post last week it’s been a stretch. I decided to stay with the prompts and challenge myself to draw/ink pictures I might have otherwise avoided.

Some of the drawings I’m very happy with…others, I’m glad I did them but can tell I was rushed or didn’t spend much time planning the art. But that’s OK! I’ve learned a lot and can now concentrate on improving my work.

As you look at these pieces please understand how hard it can be to try and come up with a work of art from a single word prompt. Some ideas came to me right away…others, not so much. One of the fun things this month though was sharing the art on Instagram and having the chance to see what other artists came up with.

If you click on the pie you can see the whole month’s efforts. Compare them with the prompts and see if you’d have other ideas…I’m sure you would.

I hope you enjoy my art as much as I enjoyed the process of creating the daily pen & ink drawing. In the future I’ll work on my photography skills so my pictures will be cleaner and more indicative of what my pieces look like on paper.

Now I’m off to the next challenge—I wonder what it will be?

Shout out to Steven B. Reddy @steven_reddy, Alphonso Dunn @Alphonsodunn, and Steve Mitchell @mindofwatercolor for their guidance and inspiration.

Happy Trails, Safe Travels, and Make Art!



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Filed under: ArtInktoberInktober 2018Pen & Ink

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