Texas Bluebonnet

Wow! Has it been almost four months since my last post…my how time DOES fly!

February 2019 is almost in the can and that means we’ve been in Fredericksburg, Texas now about four months…and that’s the longest we’ve been in one place since we went full time in our RV back in early 2017. In those four months a lot has happened.

  1. We bought a house. Yes, we bought a house and will now base our travels out of Fredericksburg. Since Texas is pretty much in the center of the USA it’ll mean we’re not traveling coast to coast every year. Of course that means more time to stop and smell the Bluebonnets!

  2. We’ve gotten involved. Ilene’s joined the local Native Plant Society of Texas, I’ve joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ex-military Flyers, and we’ve found a wonderful church to attend, St Thomas Antiochian Orthodox Church.

  3. We’re staying busy. We’ve both attended local classes on fly fishing, gardening, egg tempera painting, and Texas forensic archeology. Later this month we’re also looking at volunteering at a local historical site, helping to start a local flying club, and I just attended my first Urban Sketcher outing as part of the Die Kunstler von Fredericksburg group.

The bottom line is we’re having a ball and haven’t even scratched the surface of things to do here in FBG. Did I mention we’re attending a newcomer’s dinner next week at the newest brewery in town, The Altstadt, and a wine pairing dinner at Vino Andreucchi next week as well?

Chile Ristras

I can already see that one of the big challenges we’ll face here is picking and choosing what we want to be involved with.

I’ve been concentrating on my artwork and am taking online classes by Liz Steel on Sketching Foundations and working on my watercolor techniques online with Sharone Stevens and Skillshare. I can honestly say I’ve made art every day now for nearly a year.

As we get closer to Spring we’re gearing up for the wildflower bloom here in the Hill Country. With all the rain we’ve had locals are telling us it should be a nice one. I’m practicing from photos and Ilene’s taking photos to warm up.

As the T-shirts say “Life is Good” and we’re enjoying life here in Fredericksburg.

Das Leben in Fredericksburg ist gut!

More to follow. 

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