The Winner’s Circle – NaNoWriMo 2015

auto_racing_trophy_a_big_gold_cup_with_winner_stamped_over_it_0515-1104-2101-4458_SMUToday marks the last day of National Novel Writer’s Month for 2015.

If you participated and completed your goal of writing a 50,000–word novel for National Novel Writer’s Month—congratulations, you’re a winner!

Why is being a NaNoWriMo winner important?

1. Winning NaNoWriMo gives you fodder for your bio. I remember reading another writer’s ‘about’ page and noticed, “Winner, National Novel Writer’s Month”. I have to admit, when I read that little tidbit I had no idea what that meant other than he’d won a national writing award. Needless to say, like any curious writer, I Googled NaNoWriMo and learned about the NaNoWriMo challenge.

The rest, as they say, is history. I decided to take the challenge; I wanted to be a winner. I wanted to show I was a WINNER on my bio! Read the rest of this entry

NaNoWriMo Week Three

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Are Writer's Crazy?

                      Are Writer’s Crazy?

I just tweaked my blog and now I’m rolling up my sleeves for another week of writing! I made it to 31,000 words today.

I read on one of the forums that our writers in Paris are all accounted for. Thank God! Even as a writer I find it hard to put into words the outrage I feel about the killings in Paris. What madness drives one human being to such fanaticism to kill innocent people?

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Paris attack victims, their families, their friends and the survivors. Today, like many around the world, I am a Parisian.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Read the rest of this entry

Writing Is My Catharsis

Writing Is My Catharsis

Writing Is My Catharsis

Writing Is My Catharsis

Merriam-Webster gives the following definition of catharsis: a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension.

I happen to like that definition as it defines my reasons for writing to a “T”. Writing purifies me from the garbage that I walk through on a daily basis—most of it on network news. If you’re asking yourself, if he doesn’t like network news why does he watch/listen…keep reading.

Writing allows me to purge junk from my mind allows me a release from tension.

As to the spiritual renewal…well I’m working on that.

I’ve heard stories about Abraham Lincoln writing letters to generals and political opponents. Letters that were scathing to say the least. Letters that were brutal attacks with those he had disagreements. Read the rest of this entry