NaNoWriMo Week Three

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Are Writer's Crazy?

                      Are Writer’s Crazy?

I just tweaked my blog and now I’m rolling up my sleeves for another week of writing! I made it to 31,000 words today.

I read on one of the forums that our writers in Paris are all accounted for. Thank God! Even as a writer I find it hard to put into words the outrage I feel about the killings in Paris. What madness drives one human being to such fanaticism to kill innocent people?

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Paris attack victims, their families, their friends and the survivors. Today, like many around the world, I am a Parisian.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Read the rest of this entry

Week Two of NaNoWriMo

Eating the Elephant

                   Eating the Elephant

Question: How do you eat and elephant?

Answer: One bite at a time!

It’s Week Two of National Novel Writer’s Month and my first NaNoWriMo novel. This is a daily update on my progress.

Week Two Day One NaNoWriMo:

It’s Sunday and today I made it to over 17,000 words on the novel. Also took a photo and posted my selfie on Twitter for NaNoWriMo selfie day.

A thought on word goals. I’ve been in the habit of writing a minimum of 500 words every day for about a year now. That’s a handy habit for NaNoWriMo. I’ve increased my daily requirement to 1800 words per day for NaNoWriMo to make the 50,000 word goal.

Despite working a forty-hour full time job I’m finding the bump to 1800 words has been fairly easy.

I’ve spent time with family and friends, finished a Brad Thor novel, written for NaNoWriMo and two blogs, and still reach my daily goal.

However, I don’t think if I’d have started out trying to write 1800 words a day reaching that goal would have been this easy. In fact, I can honestly say I KNOW it wouldn’t have worked. I tried the thousand word a day habit earlier in my writing career and it didn’t take. But a small bite, one day at a time did.

So if you’re struggling to make your daily word count, take smaller bites of the elephant and slowly, but surely, make the bites a bit bigger as you go along. Pretty soon that whole pachyderm will be nothing but bones on your plate. Read the rest of this entry